swan song


Lead singer Keenan’s mother, Judith Marie Keenan (who is referred to in much of Keenan’s work, including two tracks on “10,000 Days”) suffered a stroke that left her partially paralyzed for 27 years before her death. In case you haven’t already broken out a calculator, 27 years is suspiciously close to 10,000 days, suggesting that the album is in fact a journey through paralysis on toward death.

海外記事より。TOOLの10,000 Daysのリーク音源が意図的なフェイクに違いないという激論がファンサイトの掲示板で戦わされたそうです。そうなの?私は1曲しか聴いてないからわかんないなあ。どうせあと何日でもないでしょ。
海外記事より。マンソンのBeautiful People(フロリア・シジスモンディ監督)が、MVPAで栄誉殿堂賞を受賞しました。おめでとう!

Music Video Production Association Honorary Award Recipients Selected
The Lifetime Achievement Award is going to director Samuel Bayer; the Kratz Award for Creative Excellence will be presented to the Smashing Pumpkins; the Hall of Fame Video award is going to Floria Sigismondi for Marilyn Manson’s “Beautiful People”.
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