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NINのMyspaceで、Year Zeroから2曲試聴できます。
海外記事より。Year Zeroのコンセプトについての、トレント様からの正式な回答(プレスリリース)です。

Trent Explains NIN Year Zero Concept
(PR) There have been a ton of stories circulating online about Nine Inch Nails’ new album, Year Zero, due out 4.17.07. The concept is somewhat difficult to explain, so here is a pasted note from Trent below that sums up his vision for this record:
This record began as an experiment with noise on a laptop in a bus on tour somewhere. That sound led to a daydream about the end of the world. That daydream stuck with me and over time revealed itself to be much more. I believe sometimes you have a choice in what inspiration you choose to follow and other times you really don’t. This record is the latter. Once I tuned into it, everything fell into place… as if it were meant to be. With a framework established, the songs were very easy to write. Things started happening in my “real” life that blurred the lines of what was fiction and what wasn’t. The record turned out to be more than a just a record in scale, as you will see over time.
Part one is year zero. Concept record. Sixteen tracks. All written and performed by me, produced / programmed by me and Atticus Ross, mixed by Alan Moulder, mastered by Brian “Big Bass” Gardner. Release date: April 17, 2007.
What’s it about? Well, it takes place about fifteen years in the future. Things are not good. If you imagine a world where greed and power continue to run their likely course, you’ll have an idea of the backdrop. The world has reached the breaking point – politically, spiritually and ecologically. Written from various perspectives of people in this world, “year zero” examines various viewpoints set against an impending moment of truth. How does it sound? You will hear for yourself soon enough, but given the point of this document is to provide information…
This record is much more of a “sound collage” than recent efforts from me.
A lot of it was improvised.
It is very tedious describing your own music.
It’s not just music.
It’s probably too long, but it felt like the right thing to do to paint the complete picture.
It will sound different after a few listens.
You can think about it and it will reveal more than you were expecting.
You can dance to a lot of it.
You can fuck to a lot of it (maybe all of it depending on what you’re into).

Nine Inch Nailsの4月17日発売の新譜、Year Zeroに関しては、既に大量の噂がオンラインで流布している。そのコンセプトについて説明することはやや困難なため、以下に、トレント自身による、彼のヴィジョンの説明と注意点を掲載する:
どのような内容?そう、これは約15年後の世界が舞台だ。状況は良くない。君が、現在の拝金主義と権力志向が将来も継続 することを考えたら予想できるような状況だ。世界は既に限界に達していた――政治的(ポリティカル)にも、精神的(スピリチュアル)にも、そして地球環境 的(エコロジカル)にも。この世界の様々な人々の意見で構成されたアルバム、Year Zeroは、差し迫った決定的な瞬間についての様々な視点で描かれている。サウンド的には?君はそれをすぐに自分自身で確かめられるだろう。だが、この文章は幾つかの情報を提供しよう・・・。

NINの新譜、Year ZeroとライブDVD、BYITはこちらでご予約ください。


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