q and a



rkeine: Mariqueen, Rob Sheridan is a sexy guy? I know, you are the wife of Trent Reznor – you are the best for Trent Reznor, but if Trent Reznor is don’t to be created (is don’t was born), you will be wife of Rob Sheridan? Oh, shit, this question looks like troll, I think. I don’t now, my english is so bad (like Atticus). Just… just say: you thinking what Rob Sheridan is a sexy guy? And you thinking what Rob Sheridan looks like Elijah Wood? It’s Frodo Baggins, you know. He’s eyes… what a sexy eyes! Thus spoke my girlfriend. And thanks for Atticus and guy who re-asked my question about bad Atticus, and Trent who… I think, I’ve been got trolled by Trent, because guy who re-asked my question about bad Atticus fucking understand it!!! Thanks.
MMR: you are rad, please keep submitting to our tumblr, seriously.
stih: Do you need someone to clean toilets in your studio?
MMR: no, our toilets, much like the subjects that use them are majestic & spotless.
inkua: Is Trent Reznor going to sing only in back vocal? Great EP, but I’d like to hear Trent’s voice more often =)
MMR: you might want to check out this band called NIN. i think he sings all the vocals for that project. 🙂
jaboma: For Mariqueen, is music from the earlier work of Nine Inch Nails something you’d listen to considering your musical background from West Indian Girl. Just curious if you and Trent clash musically.
MMR: i owned “pretty hate machine”, “the fragile” & “year zero”. the fact that i was in west indian girl always puzzled my friends since they never saw it as a musical fit to my taste. i was never a big part in the creative process with WIG so now that ive started doing HTDA its very refreshing to be working with people that are aesthetically on the same level.
sourstone: Is autotune used in The Space in Between? I keep hearing this, but I’m not sure if it’s true.
MMR: NO. we are all against autotune. all you hear is glorious reverb.
lainieh: from a 43 yr old married woman.. silly question: will you ever sing duets together? something subtle maybe? hope so..:) ps.. since I’m in the same relative age group as TR it’s interesting to witness maturing of musical direction over time. HDTA intrigues me from an artistic standpoint and the (fire) video was spot on. Thank you for this art. Mariqueen is beautiful too. Best.
MMR: if you are going by the standard definition of a duet then you’ll want to take a listen to “parasite”, “BBB” & “the believers”.
emiliewantstobeamasterchef: A friend of mine is a huge NIN fans and now LOVES HDA, he recently got a HDA tattoo on his leg. Considering you just released your first EP do you think this LAME? Or what DO you think guys?? I personally think band tats are a bit lame, but that’s just my opinion.
MMR: what kind of tattoo did he get? hope it wasnt HDA since its actually HTDA… that would be a huge bummer.



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