


Book of Eliのサウンドトラックのレビューが出ています。管理人も、この黙示録的なストリングスと電子音のミックスに、NINのGhostsを思い出しました。



In fact, Numan and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails enjoyed the live collaboration of Metal so much that they are planning to record an album together. “It’s all a bit vague because he’s got all kinds of things going on with his private life,” Numan says. “I guess we’ll talk again and start putting something together later in the year, but yeah, he’s suggested we do something together. In fact, he suggested it once before many years ago but we never got it together. Hopefully this time, especially now that he’s not touring. Hopefully he’ll have more time to devote to such a project.”
They’re not sure what kind of style the album would take, but Numan says: “One part of me would like to go down the industrial route because together I think we could do something that would be really quite cool. On the other hand, it would be really good to work with someone who is that talented. We could do something far more experimental. I just think it would be a really cool thing to do. He’s told me that he really wants to try something new, so perhaps it would be best not to do a version of something we’ve already done.”

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