big rock

Loud Parkのステージ分けが発表されました。カテドラルは、オフィシャルの発表通りに、”Big Rock”ステージに出演します。

しかし、他のステージが有名なメタルフェスの名称(”Unholy Alliance“とか”Gigantour“とか)そのまんまってのがなかなか。出演バンドも微妙〜な気分だろうなあ・・・。さすがにオズフェスはありませんが(迂闊に名前を借りたらシャロン母子が生卵を抱えて乱入しそうで怖い)いやその。ゴハン屋さんも期待してます♪ソニマニみたいな「交互に左右のステージが演奏する状態」らしいのね。あー良かった、どこかと別のステージで。個人的にはカテドラルナパームが楽しみです。あとはマッタリ適当に見るつもりです。

Vampire Sun
Soul Sacrifice
Tree Of Life And Death
Grim Luxuria
Autumn Twilight
North Berwick Witch Trials
Commiserating The Celebration
Upon Azrael’s Wings



Instead of schoolwork, Ms. Jones says she was more interested in fashion, dancing, singing and having a good time. After high school, her father got her a job at an engineering firm in New Orleans, where she shared a rented apartment with a girlfriend. Ms. Jones and Mr. Brannon hung out together, dancing at underground rave parties at warehouses. She says her first serious boyfriend was Trent Reznor, leader of the rock group Nine Inch Nails.


“To the guys up front: sorry,” Mr. Maynard offered at one point. Ah, spoken like a true demigod.


Q: Do most modern bands lack a spiritual connection to their music?
A: Yes. Or they’re spiritually in a pretty weird place. To me, it’s kind of evident when I hear someone who has a high spiritual level in their art, it’s just more effective. It’s the same as if you stand in front of a painting or a sculpture when someone had that going on. It just translates. A lot of the music I’m hearing on the radio, it’s not done with that in mind at all. Most of it seems like the band doesn’t have much to do with it. It’s like the record company or corporation just hired a producer and let him do his thing – creating all the sounds and practically writing and arranging the songs for a lot of these bands because they all are sounding kind of similar. They’re trying so hard to fit into a niche that success is on their minds more than truly expressing themselves or expressing a spiritual, uplifting idea.

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