
Japan TimesにNINのサマソニのレビューが掲載されています。


An SS headliner in the past, Trent Reznor’s long-running industrial rock project may have been relegated to second-tier status by My Chemical Romance’s more recent popularity, but NIN was more newsworthy since Reznor announced that this tour may be his last. His show concentrated on older material and was a continuous barrage of punishing noise, made even more amazing by the downpour that started halfway through. The packed masses on the field had nowhere to go, but those of us in the stands made for the top level, which has a roof. From there it was apocalyptic: crashing chords and strobe lighting complemented by genuine lightning bolts flashing in the near distance. Since Reznor didn’t remark on the rain, it almost seemed as if he’d arranged it, and the precipitation stopped when the show did ― the guy’s got connections.

マンソンがBlack Dahlia Murderのメンバーとディスの応酬をしています。なに、よくある事ですよ。サイン会でドツキ合ってしまったようです。

MARILYN Manson shocked holidaymakers in Florida by starting a fight with a rival band.
The bloated rocker was doing a fan meet and greet signing as Black Dahlia Murder frontman Trevor Strnad joked “welcome to the freak show” at him. Manson, 40, took offence and wrote “I hate those c***s” on the tablecloth in front of a worried fan.
Things got worse when Manson threatened to “rape” Strnad’s face, before taking a swing at him.
Fortunately, security managed to get sensitive Manson out before he did himself a mischief.



カテゴリー: 総合 パーマリンク