

buzzcaner: I was lucky enough to go to RATM’s “Ragefactor” on Sunday, are there any plans for any of the tracks Zach and Trent put together to be released? Are there likely to be any further collaborations with Zach de la Rocha in the future?
TR: No idea about that music coming out. Some of the stuff we did together turned out pretty cool but I wouldn’t hold my breath for a release.
I like Zach and think he’s a talented guy.
privatestarfukers: hi, I’d like to know the name of the tube drum machine you used for this EP.
stih: Do you still use your minimoog(s), and do you have any tricks for keeping the damn thing in tune?
TR: I really only use the Moog Voyager now. Sounds the same to me, much more flexible and STAYS IN TUNE!
jmacd263: Question for Trent, you released the multi tracks for A Drowning and The Space In Between, are there plans to release the rest of the ep. in multi track form? And if so will they be released prior to the physical release or included with it?
TR: Um… we will release the entire EP in multitrack form (for free) – not sure exactly when. Most likely before the physical release.
theremoteviewer: Trent: Do you wish you were more recognized for your soundtrack work? Lost Highway and Natural Born Killers both feel very cohesive and natural as complete works.
TR: I’ll have some news in this arena very soon.
jameslucas: How To Destroy Angels EP makes the leap into ID3v2.4. Was there any debate behind the decision? I know NIN releases have always illustrated much consideration regarding compatibility issues, and I suspect the mentality in HTDA is no different.
TR: Truth be told, I didn’t personally tag them myself this time. I’m aware of incompatibility issues – sorry for the hassle.
rkeine: Atticus, why you so bad in “The Space in Between”?
And Mariqueen and Trent, why you so dead in “The Space in Between”? I think Mariqueen and Trent stronger Atticus and unknown girl.
TR: I’ve read your question five times and I still have no idea what you’re saying. I’m into it, though.
slowriot: Have you guys got any plans to tour as HTDA?
TR: This has been asked and answered several times, but we will likely do some form of touring in 2011 after a full length release. We’re working on the record and all having babies this year.
azreal677: Did Atticus Ross contribute to the EP?
TR: Let’s see – he’s in the band, co-wrote all the music, programmed it all, played some of it and co-produced. So yes!
sniecikowski: When I want to make sure the artist gets the biggest share out of my album purchase, should I buy iTunes, Amazon or a physical release?
TR: Good question. Physical release.



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