


What exactly happened? I was at the show at it got pretty wild – fast!
“Here’s what exactly happened; I always tell the truth. What exactly happened: When you play outdoor venues, you have a curfew. There are houses, people around (living near the venue) and whatnot, so you have a very strict curfew. And if you go over the curfew, you get fined. So, what happened was Manson was supposed to get on stage at a very specific time. It’s very strict; you have to be on stage at this certain time because we both have very large shows. So, you want to get on the stage at the right time. And this just didn’t happen in Detroit (the issue with Manson and Zombie); it happened in a previous town. But the incident really went down in Detroit. Manson got on stage late and wanted to do his whole show. People wanted to see the whole show, but he’s going into our set time. And when he goes off stage, you have to break down that stage, break down Manson’s stage and put up the Zombie stage. You know, so time is of the essence; every minute counts. You know, and he’s going into our performance time; that’s going to cut our show. It’s just not good, and that’s what exactly happened.”
To Rob’s credit, he admitted things got ugly backstage and said the issues would get resolved. How ugly did things get backstage?
“Things got pretty ugly. There were some words said. You know, things like that. Rob got very, very upset because you don’t say words to Rob Zombie without Rob Zombie getting into your face. You know, it’s like something you just don’t do. Rob will spit in your face. But it wasn’t so extreme or anything like that. But afterward, everyone got along great. And you know, Manson was awesome on that tour. He really kicked ass. I think he did a phenomenal job. I think he’s doing great; I really do. And I’m wishing for all the best luck for him. He’s really doing great. His show is really great, and I think he’s really doing an amazing job.”
Was there any point where Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson threw blows or were ready to throw blows?
“Pretty close. It was pretty intense. I didn’t see it; I only heard (arguing between the two), so I really can’t say.”
Did you have any idea Rob was going to go off on Manson during his rendition of Alice Cooper’s “School’s Out”?
“It was something that happened, and after the show – the next day – everything got sorted out. (But) God no, God no; (I didn’t know Zombie would do that.)”




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