tool fans



If Tool comes off as heavy or pretentious, Jones assures there is a lighter side to the band.
“We take our music and our art very seriously, but we don’t take ourselves seriously at all,” he says. “It really balances out. People meet us and a lot of times they’re very disappointed because we’re goofy guys who like ‘Caddyshack’ and having fun and pulling pranks. I meet fans and you can see it in their eyes that they’re disappointed because I’m not some kind of Aleister Crowley guy. I’m a guy just like you. I love ’40-Year-Old Virgin’ and I’ve seen it, like, 40 times.”


Q: Is your bookstore a pilgrimage site for Tool fans?
A: Definitely. It’s funny. I’m not in the shop much right now, but when I was, people would come in and be intense and in awe, but they’re brought down to earth pretty quick when I say, “Hi, can I help you? Is there something you’d like to find?” They realize I’m just the guy in the record shop.


Keenan was a more approachable presence at Staples than he has been on earlier tours, waving warmly to fans at stage-right, though sometimes still singing in profile or even occasionally with his back to the crowd.

NIN Hotlineより。トレント様が(ソロ名義で)青少年育成チャリティ・コンサートで演奏します。またピアノかな?

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