ticket touts



TR thoughts on ticket re-sellers / scalping
03/15/09 11:50 AM
As we approach on-sale dates for the upcoming tour, I’ve noticed lots of you are curious / concerned / outraged at the plethora of tickets that somehow appear on all these reseller sites at inflated prices – even before the pre-sale dates. I’ll do my best to explain the situation as I see it, as well as clarify my organization’s stance in the matter.
NIN decides to tour this summer. We arrive at the conclusion outdoor amphitheaters are the right venue for this outing, for a variety of reasons we’ve throughly considered*. In the past, NIN would sell the shows in each market to local promoters, who then “buy” the show from us to sell to you. Live Nation happens to own all the amphitheaters and bought most of the local promoters – so if you want to play those venues, you’re being promoted by Live Nation. Live Nation has had an exclusive deal with TicketMaster that has just expired, so Live Nation launched their own ticketing service. Most of the dates on this tour are through Live Nation, some are through TicketMaster – this is determined by the promoter (Live Nation), not us.
Now we get into the issue of secondary markets for tickets, which is the hot issue here. The ticketing marketplace for rock concerts shows a real lack of sophistication, meaning this: the true market value of some tickets for some concerts is much higher than what the act wants to be perceived as charging. For example, there are some people who would be willing to pay $1,000 and up to be in the best seats for various shows, but MOST acts in the rock / pop world don’t want to come off as greedy pricks asking that much, even though the market says its value is that high. The acts know this, the venue knows this, the promoters know this, the ticketing company knows this and the scalpers really know this. So…
The venue, the promoter, the ticketing agency and often the artist camp (artist, management and agent) take tickets from the pool of available seats and feed them directly to the re-seller (which from this point on will be referred to by their true name: SCALPER). I am not saying every one of the above entities all do this, nor am I saying they do it for all shows but this is a very common practice that happens more often than not. There is money to be made and they feel they should participate in it. There are a number of scams they employ to pull this off which is beyond the scope of this note.
StubHub.com is an example of a re-seller / scalper. So is TicketsNow.com.
Here’s the rub: TicketMaster has essentially been a monopoly for many years – certainly up until Live Nation’s exclusive deal ran out. They could have (and can right now) stop the secondary market dead in its tracks by doing the following: limit the amount of sales per customer, print names on the tickets and require ID / ticket matches at the venue. We know this works because we do it for our pre-sales. Why don’t THEY do it? It’s obvious – they make a lot of money fueling the secondary market. TicketMaster even bought a re-seller site and often bounces you over to that site to buy tickets (TicketsNow.com)!
NIN gets 10% of the available seats for our own pre-sale. We won a tough (and I mean TOUGH) battle to get the best seats. We require you to sign up at our site (for free) to get tickets. We limit the amount you can buy, we print your name on the tickets and we have our own person let you in a separate entrance where we check your ID to match the ticket. We charge you a surcharge that has been less than TicketMaster’s or Live Nation’s in all cases so far to pay for the costs of doing this – it’s not a profit center for us. We have essentially stopped scalping by doing these things – because we want true fans to be able to get great seats and not get ripped off by these parasites.
I assure you nobody in the NIN camp supplies or supports the practice of supplying tickets to these re-sellers because it’s not something we morally feel is the right thing to do. We are leaving money on the table here but it’s not always about money.
Being completely honest, it IS something I’ve had to consider. If people are willing to pay a lot of money to sit up front AND ARE GOING TO ANYWAY thanks to the rigged system, why let that money go into the hands of the scalpers? I’m the one busting my ass up there every night. The conclusion really came down to it not feeling like the right thing to do – simple as that.
My guess as to what will eventually happen if / when Live Nation and TicketMaster merges is that they’ll move to an auction or market-based pricing scheme – which will simply mean it will cost a lot more to get a good seat for a hot show. They will simply BECOME the scalper, eliminating them from the mix.
Nothing’s going to change until the ticketing entity gets serious about stopping the problem – which of course they don’t see as a problem. The ultimate way to hurt scalpers is to not support them. Leave them holding the merchandise. If this subject interests you, check out the following links. Don’t buy from scalpers, and be suspect of artists singing the praises of the Live Nation / TicketMaster merger. What’s in it for them?
* I fully realize by playing those venues we are getting into bed with all these guys. I’ve learned to choose my fights and at this point in time it would be logistically too difficult to attempt to circumvent the venues / promoter / ticketing infrastructure already in place for this type of tour. For those of you about to snipe “it’s your fault for playing there, etc… ” – I know it is.

NINは今年の夏にツアーを予定している。我々は徹底的に考え抜いた結果、さまざまな理由で、屋外のアリーナがこの遠出にふさわしい開催地であるという結論に達した。以前には、NINは、君たちにそれを販売するために我々からショウを「購入」していた地元のプロモーターに、それぞれのマーケットでショウを販売していた。Live Nationは、たまたま全てのアリーナを所有していて、ほとんどの地元のプロモーターを買収している――したがって、もしも君がそれらの会場でプレイしたいならば、君はLive Nationに販売されることになる。Live Nationは、つい先日、期限切れになったばかりのTicketMasterとの独占的な取引を契約した、そして、Live Nationは彼ら自身のチケット販売サービスを開始させた。このツアーのほとんどの日程はLive Nationを経由しており、幾つかはTicketMasterを経由している――これらは、我々ではなく、プロモーター(Live Nation)によって決定される。
ここに問題がある:TicketMasterは長年、基本的に独占を続けてきた――もちろん、Live Nationの独占的な取引が終了するまでは。彼らは、以下の行為をすることによって、(たた今でも)流通市場の息の根を即座に止めることができるかも知れない:顧客のアカウント毎の購入額を制限し、チケットに名前を印刷し、そして、会場でIDとチケットの確認を徹底させる。なぜ彼らはそうしないのだろうか?それは明らかだ――彼らは、流通市場を煽って多くの金を稼いでいる。TicketMasterは、君たちのチケットの値段を吊り上げている、その再販業者(TicketsNow.com)さえも買収している!
NINは我々独自のプレセールで、利用可能な座席の10%を取得した。我々は、最も良い座席を手に入れるための困難な(文字通りに困難な)闘いに勝利した。我々は、チケットを入手するために、君たちに我々のサイトに無料で登録する事を要求する。我々は購入限度を設定し、我々はチケットに名前を印刷し、我々自身のスタッフが、特別な入り口で、君たちのチケットとIDを照合するだろう。現状では、これらのためのコストの代金を支払うために、全ての場合でTicketMasterやLive Nationよりも少ない手数料を君に請求するだろう――それは、我々のための利益の場ではない。我々は、本当のファンが最大の座席を手に入れて、これらの寄生虫に盗ませないようにしたいので、これらによって利ざやを稼ぐことを本質的にやめた。
もしも、いつかLive NationとTicketMasterが合併したときに、結果的に起こる事態についての私の推測は、それらがオークションか市場ベースの価格設定で動くということだ――それは単純に、熱いショウのために良い席を手に入れるためには更にコストが掛かるという事を意味する。それらのミックスを排除した場合は、彼らは単にダフ屋になるだろう。
チケット業者自体がこの問題を止めることについて真剣に取り組むまで、何も変化しないだろう――もちろん、彼らはそれに何の問題も持たない。ダフ屋を痛めつける究極の方法は、彼らを支持しないことだ。彼らに在庫を抱えさせておけ。このテーマが君の興味を引いたならば、以下のリンクをチェックして欲しい。ダフ屋から買わないで欲しい、そしてLive Nation/TicketMasterの合併を支持しているアーティストに疑問を抱いて欲しい。そこには彼らのために何があるというのか?


NINがHurricaneとSouthsideに出演します。そういえば、テントにXXXをお絵かきして逃げた事件もあったなあ・・・。って、今回もDie Ärzteが出るのかよ・・・。




Mid-April: Full-time Band Rehearsals Begin
May: Promotional Appearances Begin
May 19: “The High End of Low” is Released in the United States
Late May: Tour Begins in Europe
March 2010: World & U.S. tour are estimated to be completed



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